Aron Appelfeld, Meir Appelfeld, Aloma Halter
Publisher: Toby Press
A Table For One is an interchange between one artist and another, father and son, about their city, Jerusalem. It brings together an unknown side of Aharon Appelfeld’s writing, with the subtle, haunting paintings of his son, Meir Appelfeld, who studied fine art at the Royal Academy of Art, London, and exhibits widely.
In this treasure of a book, Appelfeld reveals the centrality of Jerusalem in his life and work. However, his “city of light” proved far more than a shelter and the place where he came of age and spent his adult life: it became his inspiration – the quarry of his imagination.
A Table For One is set in the intimate Jerusalem cafes of the 1950s and 1960s, where the scent of the fresh roasted coffee and cigarette smoke wafted in with the elan of a lost European culture. Appelfeld found that it was only in a cafe and only in a Jerusalem cafe that he could write his novels, shaping meaning and wholeness out of the fragments of his painful past.
The writer’s son, Meir Appelfeld, paints the cityscapes, vistas of the city, where he himself lives. The result is neither the monumental nor historical Jerusalem that one finds in a guidebook, but a precious, low-key place which fuses with time in an everyday, tangible intimacy
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