big time

Big Time

by Piamenta

A guitar virtuoso, with a heart of gold has revealed over the years what it means to take Simcha to the next level. His electrifying style and everlasting desire at bringing a crowd to its feet has stirred his admirers and peers alike. Combined with Avi Piamenta’s astounding and vigorous flute playing, the distinguishing sounds of Rock n Roll, the words and wise sayings of our forefathers, they are able to create a unique mode of music that takes ones breath away.

Track ListingTo listen to a sample, click on the title of a song that is followed by .

1. Kol Hamesameach
2. Yismechu
3. Hanistarot
4. Baruch Haba
5. Avi’s Hora
6. Slach Na
7. Ana Bechasdecha
8. Instrumental
9. Mi Zeh Melech
10. Ezkera

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