Clint Eastwood and Obama’s Empty Chair

POLITICS IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS, or at least it should be – significant things that deeply impact the lives of citizens of this country are shaped by what happens in politics. But it was hard for me, like thousands of others, not to be entertained by what happened last night at the Republican National Convention when Clint Eastwood showed up to speak.

I’m not sure which was more amusing – watching him have an imaginary conversation with President Obama while speaking to an empty chair, or the fact that, within minutes, someone had created a Twitter handle @InvisibleObama. An hour later, @InvisibleObama had over 20,000 followers. As of this afternoon, it was almost 50,000! And it wasn’t just a clever idea. Whoever is behind the tweets is one funny tweeter.

Here are just a few examples:
Invisible Obama ‏@InvisibleObama
When Mitt Romney says “Mr. Chairman”, do you think he’s referring to me?
Invisible Obama ‏@InvisibleObama
I’m behind Mitt! No seriously. I’m right behind him.


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