I am a Holocaust Torah

The story of the saving of 1,564 Torahs stolen by the Nazis
by Rabbi Alex J. Goldman
Illustrated by: Susanne Berger

Ages 4-7, 8-11 The story of I am a Holocaust Torah begins in Czechoslovakia over 50 years ago. The Nazis storm through Moravia, Bohemia and Slovakia like a tornado, destroying synagogues and lives in their path. In the process, among the items they took are Torah scrolls and adornments such as mantles, crowns and breastplates. These are taken to Prague, the countrys capital.

By the end of the Second World War, 1,564 Czech Torahs had been stolen by the Nazis and lay forgotten in Prague. Twenty years later, the scrolls were negotiated with the Czech authorities and transferred to the Westminster Synagogue in London, where some of them are displayed to this day.I am a Holocaust Torah is the historic and dramatic story of the 1,564 Torahs through the mind, heart and words of one of the Torahs itself.

Includes photographs of the actual Torahs by Mel Afier.(38 Pages)


Publisher: Gefen, 2000

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