Internet Asifa Organizer Allegedly Beat his Own Yeshiva Students

Failed Messiah has a story about Rabbi Gottlieb, one of the main organizers of the Asifa, being involved in child abuse at a yeshiva he used to work for in Lakewood. While the charges are alleged, I’m sure someone with a sick mind like  the guy behind Failed Messiah will blow it out of proportion and bring down the entire Gottlieb family tree if it can get one more hit to his blog. Who cares? What does beating children, who ought to be beaten sometimes, in a yeshiva setting have to do with the dangers of the internet.

When Mr. Lampert posted this piece on my facebook wall I retorted with “nowhere in the Torah does it say not to beat children, it’s a lot better than watching youporn” and I stand by that remark. Unfortunately, too many people like to lay blame without seeing the bigger picture. While Rabbi Gottlieb may or may not be guilty of beating his yeshiva students, not only is this not halachically wrong – it doesn’t negate the fact that this Rabbi is responsible for one of the most important frum gatherings since the Lipa concert ban.


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