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Clint Eastwood and Obama’s Empty Chair

POLITICS IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS, or at least it should be – significant things that deeply impact the lives of citizens of this country are shaped by what happens in politics. But it was hard for me, like thousands of others, not to be entertained by what happened last night at the Republican National Convention when Clint Eastwood showed up ...

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Cleaning for Pesach; from Rav Chaim Scheinberg

Rabbi Scheinberg has recently fallen ill and needs a Refuah Shleimah. We hope that learning his halachos regarding cleaning for Pesach will be a merit for him.These notes are based on the responsa of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu HaGaon HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva Torah Ore, to questions posed by women attending his regular chizuk talks. They have been compiled ...

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Chunky Crocheted Rag Bag From Sheets

Crocheting with sheets is just so much fun, that while I’m actually in the middle of crocheting a rag rug I just couldn’t resist going off on a little tangent and crocheting my first ever crocheted tote bag from sheets and pillowcases. I have to say, I’m thrilled with how it turned out, and for now it’s going to stay ...

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Chumash in Depth: Va-etchanan: Moshe’s Prayer presents this class series on Parshat Ve’etchanan by Mrs. Shira Smiles. Through her unique question and answer technique for learning Tanach, Mrs. Smiles analyzes many aspects of Moshe’s famous entreaty to G-d in Parshat Va-etchanan. An in depth look into this brief but powerful section of Chumash. Covers Chapter 3 of Devarim Verse 23-29 . The Classical Commentaries from ...

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Chumash In depth: The Sale of Yosef

What is the connection between the end of Parshat Vayishlach, which speaks about the lineage of Esav, and Parshat Vayeishev, which describes the difficult incident of Yosef and his brothers? Rashi explains that although Esav’s background is mentioned briefly, the Torah focuses on the story of Yaakov and the twelve tribes. It is compared to a precious stone that fell ...

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Chuck Schumer Had Leon Panetta Say Shema

All of the speeches at the AIPAC Policy Conference during the past few days went according to script. Every U.S. politician who addressed the 13,000 in attendance weighed in on the threat of a nuclear Iran, enumerated their party’s accomplishments in defending Israel, and reiterated their commitment to the U.S.-Israel relationship. But there was one surprise.On the final morning of ...

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Chuck Norris and a Mezuzah

A little while ago we told you about Mezuzazine — an amazing little ‘zine about the strange and wonderful commandment from the Torah to put a mezuzah on the doorpost of your house.Today David, the person behind Mezuzazine, sent me this in the email. It’s by far my favorite Chuck Norris Fact, and the latest in a line of urban ...

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Chovot Halevovot: The Connection of Torah

The Gemara says, “There are three keys that Hashem did not give over to agents.” They are, techiyat hameisim (resurrection of the dead), childbirth, and rain.One can clearly see Hashem through rain. When there’s a drought, people realize that Hashem is in control. Rain is a direct blessing from Him. If it’s not coming down, it’s because of our sins.Although Hashem does many miracles for us every day, the best ...

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Choosing your Religion

A person should also reach a certain level of maturity and independence that will assist them in choosing a right religion for the right reasons. Since a person has a deep desire to reach a spiritual level and believes that religion is the best way to achieve this, then surely this informal methodology will be of benefit in making a ...

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Choosing to Be an Ethical Parent

Oh, if there were only a list of good and right things that as parents we would be required to incorporate into our child’s upbringing.  A small, neatly written list attached to one of those adorable baby toes would be so convenient.So you were given this incredible gift (the baby) and perhaps people threw you a baby shower, giving you a ...

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Chodesh Iyar: Love From a Distance

According to the Zohar, each of the twelve months of the year corresponds to one of the twelve tribes of Yaakov. The month of Nisan corresponds to Reuven, the month of Iyar, to Shimon, and the month of Sivan to Levi.The Shem Mishmuel explains the significance of these associations. Reuven signifies the concept of vision. Shimon connotes the concept of ...

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Chocolate Mocha Glaze Icing For Your Next Cake!

Nearly two years ago when I first started this blog, I posted my basic chocolate cake recipe and promised to add to that post the recipe that I use for the chocolate glaze topping which is simple, stress free, and can be made with basic ingredients that you most likely have in the cupboard. Well, wouldn’t you know, a few months short ...

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