Jewish Wedding Traditions: Breaking the Glass

Breaking the glass is part of Jewish wedding ceremonies. This ritual often concludes the wedding ceremony. The groom stomps on a glass with his foot and the guests shout “Mazel Tov.” Several meanings are associated with the smashing of the glass during a Jewish wedding. Some believe that this symbolizes the fragility of marriage, while others believe that breaking the glass serves as a reminder of the destruction of Temples in Jerusalem.

  • Any glass can be used as Jewish wedding glass. However, it is best to choose a glass that is easy to break. You can purchase a glass at a thrift store. Never use heavy lead crystal goblets as these are thick and are not easy to break.
  • Wrap the glass in a cloth napkin or a pre-made cloth pouch. Make sure the cloth is thick to protect the groom from glass shards.
  • The officiant will put the glass on the groom’s feet. The groom will smash the glass with the sole of his feet.
  • The guests shout “Mazel Tov!” and celebrate with the newlyweds.

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