Parshat Vayeira: Two Paths of Serving Hashem

Hashem tells Avraham in Parshat Lech Lecha, after the mitzvah of milah, that he will have a child. The Shem MiShmuel asks, why does Hashem deem it necessary to send an angel in this week’s parsha, Parshat Vayeira, to relay the news again? In addition, what is the connection between these two seemingly unrelated revelations – milah and the birth of Yitzchak?

The world rests on two fundamental pillars: chesed (kindness) and din (judgement). Sometimes there is chesed and other times din. The forces of nature that support life are all expressions of Hashem’s chesed. Avraham was the embodiment of chesed. Although the people of S’dom were wicked, he passionately prayed for them. Hashem loved Avraham, Ish Ha’chesed.


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