Rabbi Riskin’s Pesach Haggadah in Hebrew

The purpose of Rabbi Riskin’s Hebrew Haggadah is not to provide a running commentary of the Hebrew text. Nor does it dwell upon the historic and halachic aspects of the Seder ritual. }What makes this Haggadah unique is that Rabbi Riskin uses the Haggadah as a source for discussing and elaborating upon a score of themes that are basic to Judaism. In this work, the Haggadah becomes a gateway to a deeper understanding of Jewish thought and ritual. Such fundamental concepts as freedom, Messianism, particularism vs. universalism, and others are shown to be intrinsic to the Haggadah. }}The oral rather than the literary genesis of this Haggadah allows for a personal tough. This Haggadah speaks directly to the reader, as if he or she were sitting at Rabbi Riskin’s own Seder.

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