Responsibility Towards Others

In Parshat Bechukotai, the Torah tells of the disasters that will befall the Jewish people if they fail to observe the laws of the Torah properly. It says that people will panic and trip over each other. The Gemara in Sanhedrin comments on this phrase, one Jew will trip over the sins of his brother. “Melamed shekol yisrael areivim zeh lazeh.” This teaches us that each Jew is responsible for another.

In Parshat Nitzavim it says, “Hanistarot l’Hashem Elokeinu v’haniglot lanu u’levanenu.” The hidden things are in Hashem‘s domain, but that which is revealed is for us and our children.” The Torah tells us that if Jews won’t observe the mitzvot, the whole community will be punished. Rashi asks, how can one person be held responsible for what another thinks? He answers, that which is hidden is not our obligation. However, we have responsibility to stop that which we have the power to stop.

There is a dot on top of the words lanu u’levanenu to teach us that our obligation to another Jew didn’t go into effect immediately. It only began when the Jews entered Israel with the covenant that was made at Har Grizim and Har Avel.


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